Digital marketing
a one-button solution

Do you want better results for your project? Well you don’t need flashy banners, film-like videos or an army of influencers. What you do need is to be understood.

The good news is you’ve got the business; we’ve got the expertise. Together we can put what it is you do best in the spotlight it deserves.

Our formula for success?
Insightful and professional approach.

You follow your own path. You might be at the beginning, in need for branding, or looking for ways to reach new heights.

No matter what stage your business is at, no matter if you sell, get visitors or simply want to be seen, Hnappurinn is here to help you.

We dig deep to find the roots of your growth. Above all, we have fun with it and place it in the digital world for the right sets of eyes to see.​

Our services

Let us take you on a marketing journey.

From analysis to the ads, it is the path of a well-defined strategy that will lead you towards the insight you need.


Research for deep insight


Tactics to score big

Social Ads
Google Ads

Precise delivery

and Lectures

Training for better results

We believe in the power of perception

We created Hnappurinn to help you discover the insight of what you market and lift your business to new heights.

Hailing from the Westfjords, we believe in a caring approach, cooperation and community. It is the inspiring power of the countryside transformed us to who we are today.


"Markaðsgreining Jurajs var ítarleg og mjög hjálpleg við að skilja hverju búast má við í framtíðinni varðandi ferðaþjónustu á Vestfjörðum. Með greiningunni fengum við tæki og tól til þess að betrumbæta hönnun og gera hana markvissari og verkefnið þar með verðmætara og áreiðanlegra."
Runólfur Ágústsson
Director of Development at Þorpið Vistfélag
"Juraj hefur einstaka hæfileika til að horfa á hlutina frá ólíkum sjónarhornum sem gerir hann afar hæfan til að vinna að og setja fram árangursríka markaðsstefnu. Hann hefur þægilega orku sem gerir það mjög skemmtilegt að vinna með honum."
Helena Jónsdóttir
Founder and CEO of Mental Consulting
"Markaðsgreiningar Juraj er eitt það vandaðasta sem ég hef séð á ferli mínu. Ég hef séð Juraj vinna, þar fara saman gæði og afköst. Hjá Juraj fara saman vönduð vinnubrögð, innsæi og löng reynsla af markaðsmálum, ég mæli með honum í hvaða markaðsvinnu sem er."
Hjörleifur Finnsson
Project manager of Vestfjarðastofa

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We handpicked the most interesting news, stories and tutorials about marketing’s hot-button issues. Delivered once per month. Enjoy!

Fókus #14

Í stafrænum heimi líður ekki sá dagur að ekki beri eitthvað áhugavert og umdeilanlegt á góma. Allt frá því að kaupa notað á Facebook og nýjum gervigreindartólum, til handtösku úr lofti einu saman.

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Fókus #13

Here is this year’s first issue of Fókus, a newsletter of interesting marketing related news, trivia and inspirations. Let’s dive in!

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